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Monday, September 24, 2012

The results of slacking off :)

I'm going to try to do a little more updating. My last post was kind of an "overall" update, so I'm going to try to go month by month a little.

In May, Dylan's class took a trip to the state capitol (Montgomery). After enlisting my mom and dad to help with the girls, I was able to go with him on the trip. It was nice because I haven't really been able to do a lot with him and school. I had really only been able to make treats for his class parties and stuff. So I was pretty happy that I got to share this field trip with him. I remember when I went on a Montgomery field trip in 4th grade. We visited the capitol building (of course), the First White House of the Confederacy, the Alabama Department of Archives and History, the Planetarium, and the museum of F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald. Oh, we also visited the Governor's Mansion. Dylan's group didn't get to do all that. In fact, they only visited the Planetarium, did a "ride by" of the Governor's Mansion, toured the Capitol, and then went to the Civil Rights Museum. Personally, I would have exchanged the Civil Rights Museum for one of the others, but I wasn't in charge of the trip. Anyway, here are some of the pictures I took on the trip.


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