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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

On to July!

July was not terribly eventful for us. We celebrated Independence Day twice. How, you ask? Well, we went up to my parents' for the weekend before Independence Day (which was actually the very tail end of June. Thomasville does a local "Hometown Celebration" for Independence Day every year, but since July 4th doesn't always fall on the same day, they do their celebration the Saturday before. It was a little more subdued this year than in years past though. They used to go all out and start that morning off with the Kids Parade. Dylan took part in that in 2009. Then the rest of the day has various activities in the downtown area, culminating in the fireworks show that starts around 9 pm. This year, I think it was probably a little too hot to have stuff going on all day long. I believe the kids parade was later in the evening (maybe 5ish?) and they had the Clarke County Idol stuff going on too. We weren't up there for a very long time, so we just decided to catch the fireworks. 

After having this Independence Day celebration, we celebrated my brother's upcoming 21st birthday. His actual birthday is on July 7, but since we were all at my parents' for this, we celebrated it early with them. His girlfriend (now future bride) made his cake and we all took pictures.

We came back home after this and got back into the groove. Jack was only off work for the actual July 4, so we went to his mom's to have lunch with them for the day. I made an Independence Day cake that had red, white, and blue layers. :)



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