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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Some June updates

And now to June...

I graduated from a very small private school called Catherine Academy, located near the middle of Wilcox County. I have a lot of good memories from there and a lot of not so good ones, but that's probably pretty much how high school memories go for most people. What probably doesn't happen so often is that your school closes. That's what my school did. I graduated in 2000 and they only stayed open one more year with their last graduating class being 2001. My graduating class only had 9 people in it. I know... NINE. We were the odd class out though. Most of the other classes had between 15 and 20+ people in them. Well, we kind of all went our separate ways (as often happens) after graduation. We never stopped and had a reunion when our 10 year time came around. So, when I heard that a huge reunion was in the works, I was pretty happy about it. Since the school had been around for a long time before it closed, there were many people who had attended either their whole school career or for different periods of time. Some of the big families who went there and had children who went there decided to plan a big reunion for everyone who had ever been associated with CA. The reunion was the first weekend in June in Thomasville. It was really nice too. The committee did a very good job with organization. It was really nice to see old friends and teachers and stuff. I am very glad that I went. Pics to follow :)

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