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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

January Updates!

So, we've made it to January! Yay for that! In all honestly, January was pretty uneventful. We didn't really have anything going on - except for two fabulous events. The NCAA Football National Championship game on January 10. Auburn v. Oregon. I just have two words for that: War Eagle. Auburn defeated Oregon 22-19 to claim their first championship since 1957. It was an awesome game to watch and I was so thrilled to be an Auburn fan! I am always thrilled to be an Auburn fan, but after this season and all they've been through... it was so nice... What was another awesome thing that was of note - last season, Alabama went undefeated, got a heisman winner, and won the national championship. This year, Auburn went undefeated, got a heisman winner (third for the school - Pat Sullivan, Bo Jackson, and Cam Newton), and won the national championship. In my opinion, it pretty much shows that we know our football down here ;)

So, B turned 2 in January. Yeah, I know. 2 years old... it doesn't seem like she should be 2 yet. But here she is, all toddler-ish and terrible twos... not really too bad on the terrible part though :) I was planning to do a princess themed party, but decided against it because she really isn't old enough to enjoy the princess stuff yet. She loves bright colors and butterflies and stuff, so I found the cutest garden themed party stuff at Party City. I decided to make her cake in the shape of a caterpillar. I wanted to use fondant so it would be smooth looking. It was my first time working with fondant, so I asked M (younger bro's GF) for some pointers. She has used it before, so I really needed pointers on how to make it stick to the cake and how to dye it. She gave great tips and I think the cake turned out great!

B's 2nd Birthday Cake

Take two - having fun with editing

B and Memaw

B got this cute little dress from Gingee (MIL) and the minute she pulled it out of the box, she just HAD to put it on. She was literally trying to tear her dress off so she could wear this. I wish I had a better picture of her in it because it was the cutest thing!

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