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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Heading home

I am sitting here at my parents' house, about to start getting ready to leave and head back to Theodore. My parents just left with M&M (my younger brother and his GF), on their way up to Auburn. Matthew has Camp War Eagle until Friday, and they all went to start getting stuff settled in his new trailer. I can't believe that he is almost ready to start college. He just turned 18 yesterday. Time just flies by!

Hubby's grandmother passed away last week, while he was in California. The arrangements were Monday night and Tuesday morning. I had intended to meet him and attend the funeral, but my car was in the shop. I needed to have my car serviced and since I was up at my parents' house, it was easier to drop it off somewhere here. There is an extra car here, so I have one to drive around if I need to go somewhere. At our house, we only have the two cars, and it would take some major organization to get it taken care of. It was just easier to do here. We dropped it off early Monday morning and went by around 5:30 to see if it was done. It was not. I had to have new brake pads, a new power steering tube and fluid, and I needed the AC flushed out. I think they also did an oil change and fixed by blinker light that had been out. I had planned to leave Monday night, after getting the car back, and head to Pensacola. It didn't work out that way. I didn't get my car back until Tuesday afternoon, so I wasn't able to attend the funeral. And, since I wasn't able to get to the funeral, I just decided to stay on up here at my parents' house until today, which I had originally planned to do anyway. So, I got to see my brother for a teensy bit on his birthday.

Anywho, I need to head off and start packing up. I want to get home before hubby gets off work. I have a few groceries I need to buy, and I'd like to get my pictures from this weekend uploaded on my computer.

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