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Friday, July 24, 2009

God's love never changes, but other things do...

There are going to be some changes a' coming. Not just for me though. My younger brother will start his freshman year of college at Auburn in a few weeks. Talk about your culture shock! He is used to public schools and he has been up to Auburn before, but this will be entirely different. I am excited for him, but I'm also worried for him at the same time. I believe that he is a level-headed person and I know that he is intelligent and talented. I really pray that he keeps his mind on why he is there. I covet your prayers for him as he embarks on this new journey.

As for me, well there will be a few changes in my near future. D is getting ready to start school again. I can't believe that he will be in 2nd grade! He is growing up so quickly! My little B is already 6 1/2 months old. Her 1-year birthday is just around the corner!

The biggest change that is soon to come is a new job. I will be starting a new job on August 17. It isn't going to be the most perfect and wonderful job in the world, but it is a better paying job (if only by a little bit) and it is a full-time job. I will be working as an administrative assistant. I covet your prayers again, but this time for my peace of mind and willingness to do God's will.

I truly loved working in the legal field. I really wish that I had been blessed with a job where I felt like I was making a positive impact in my area and/or in someone's life. But the firm where I currently work (until August 17) ended up being a dead end. They want someone who can type letters and pleadings, do dictation work, file things in client files, open and close client files, contact clients and get information, set up depositions and mediations, file stuff with the court, and a whole list of other things. However, they only want to compensate that person with the pay rate of an entry-level receptionist/secretary. For someone who has a husband and two kids to take care of, and bills to pay, that just doesn't work. I prayed really hard about this and it has been determined that my place is no longer with this firm. I don't know if it is with the new company, but I know that God has led me there for a reason. I am trusting Him with this and I know He will not give me more than I can handle.

I ask this of my friends and family: that you keep all of us in your prayers as we navigate through this changing path. It will be difficult to go back to work full-time after being off and/or part-time for so long. I will miss the time I have been blessed to spend with my children, and they will be back in school and/or daycare. I also ask that you keep my younger brother in your thoughts and prayers as he starts this new stage in his life. He will be tested MANY times, but pray that he stays true to his heart and to his God.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

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