Let's go through some updates first though. I didn't realize it had been so long since I last posted anything. Time gets away from you before you realize it! I'm still working as a temp. My temp status is supposed to be up in February, and they'll determine whether or not to keep me on as a full time employee. I'm still comfortable working there, but I really feel that if I have to continue working, I would like to get back in the legal field. I'm just trying to take each day as it comes though. Hubby is still doing well in his area. He is actually in Ohio right now. He'll be there through January 8, come home for the weekend, then head back out to Ohio again. I think he has to head on a follow up to a site in Texas after that and then one more site in February and then he's supposed to be done for a while. D is doing well. He's at his GranGran's house for the Christmas break, so he's having a blast. B is doing well too. She kept having ear infection after ear infection, so we did the tube thing on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. She has been fine. At her follow up appointment two weeks later, the right tube came out. So, we left it for the time being, and went to another follow up on Dec. 23, when the Dr. said that he would have to put the tube back in. So, we'll be scheduling that for sometime within the next two weeks. She has been fine though. I can't believe that she'll be a year old in less than 3 weeks! I forgot how quickly that first year goes by. Time flies anyway (I can still remember D as a baby/toddler), but it really zooms in that first year. There is just so much that happens. They sit up, get teeth, crawl, babble, walk... It's just so amazing. B has been taking her sweet time to do everything though. I think she's a little behind D in when she has achieved the different milestones, but she's perfectly healthy and growing cognitively right on schedule. I am so blessed.
I'm going to throw a quick prayer request out there as well. I am having some issues (none are desperately life-threatening or anything) but I can't really post them in the public (b/c we all know that everyone can read your facebook posts!). I need help understanding some certain things and I need help getting through to some people. I really, really wish I could go into it so I might could get some insight, but I don't want to take the chance that someone reads it and gets the wrong impression. I have had that happen more times than I'd care to remember. I'm getting annoyed at some things and I wish that some people would think rationally.
Okay then, Christmas was so great. I wish my family would have been able to come down and spend it at our house, but Dad had to work, so plans were shifted. We did our traditional Christmas Eve dinner, and had hubby's family over, as well as our neighbors. We had a really good time, I think. I made potato and broccoli soup, cocktail sausages, grape salad, frozen fruit cups, chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate covered ritz cracker and peanut butter sandwiches, oreo balls, and chips with dip. Very yum-o!
I did have issues with Christmas lights this year. We got them on the house, which was great and normal. Every time we lit them though, the fuse kept blowing. So, we had to separate the strands and plug one half in the back plug and the other in the front plug. We put our colored lights out in the front this year so that people could see them. After we got all the lights up and on, I took pictures, of course. Not long after, one section of our colored trees went out, and I couldn't fix it. The fuse wasn't blown. All I can think of is that there was a short somewhere. Then, one little section of our icicle lights went out, and it was in a place I couldn't reach. And, on Christmas Eve, like last year, it rained so much and the wind blew so hard that I wasn't sure I would even be able to turn them on. Luckily, it worked out. If I had to pick a part of Christmas that I didn't like so much, it would be putting up and taking down lights.
Ah, I should definitely be in bed now, especially since I have to get up in the morning and go to work. I am going to attempt to put some pics on here. I haven't done it before, so we'll give it a shot. Enjoy and I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

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