Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I will praise You in this Storm
I definitely need some help and prayers right now. Sometimes it seems like certain things or people exist to make my life difficult. This temp thing at work is getting really old too. B has to have the tube put back in her right ear because it came out a few weeks ago. It's not a big deal, no big procedure, just standard stuff. She has to go to a "pre-op" appointment the day before. So, the pre-op will be on Monday afternoon, with the surgery to be Tuesday morning. I emailed my manager about it and got it straight with them, letting them know that I would have someone that could get my work done, so nothing would be a problem. (I'll have to be out the whole day) He emailed me back and said it was fine. Then a little while later, he asked me to come to his office. He said that next week is still a go and everything is okay there. Then he said that I really don't need to miss any more days of work through the rest of January. He said that things are kind of backed up in my area (which they are not... I know, I work there) and that if I missed any more work in January that they would basically let me go. His actual words were, "we'll have to find someone else." Now, I understand that they don't want me to miss work. What employer wants their employees to miss work? And, true, I have missed more work (by leaving early for Dr. appts, and/or being out sick or taking care of sick kids) than I would have liked. However, I haven't missed a single day or left early one time just because I wanted to, or for no really good reason. I wish I had time off and was accruing it so I could take off, but I don't have it yet. It's just really not fair that I am in danger of losing my job simply because I have to be a mom. That's basically what it boils down to. I know that there are people in this world who use sick kids as an excuse sometimes (when they are really not sick), but I am not one of them. I have never worked at a place where they are so unbending when this stuff happens. Even Wal*Mart was understanding about this, and I was just a part-time employee there! This is hard mainly because I have to make a follow-up appointment for her after the surgery, but I won't do it unless I can find someone who will take her. Hubby won't be back in from his install until the end of January and then he'll have to be in-house for a bit. On top of this, I have jury duty at the beginning of February, so I'll have to take my stuff to them this week to prove that I have it and to make sure that it will be okay for me to do my jury duty (that I wish I could get out of). Things are just so stressful. I had perfect blood pressure all my life and all through both of my pregnancies, but it has definitely gone up since I got this job. The job is easy and the tasks are not stressful at all. I can totally handle the workload and everything. This temp thing is what gets me. If I wasn't a temp, I wouldn't be having these issues. I'd have the time to use and they wouldn't be able to say anything about it. Please just pray that everything works out. God takes care of me always, but it couldn't hurt to have a few extra prayers sent up!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Wonderful Christmastime
We simply had a wonderful Christmastime in our household this year. I love Christmas already and this Christmas was extra special because it was Bella's first Christmas.
Let's go through some updates first though. I didn't realize it had been so long since I last posted anything. Time gets away from you before you realize it! I'm still working as a temp. My temp status is supposed to be up in February, and they'll determine whether or not to keep me on as a full time employee. I'm still comfortable working there, but I really feel that if I have to continue working, I would like to get back in the legal field. I'm just trying to take each day as it comes though. Hubby is still doing well in his area. He is actually in Ohio right now. He'll be there through January 8, come home for the weekend, then head back out to Ohio again. I think he has to head on a follow up to a site in Texas after that and then one more site in February and then he's supposed to be done for a while. D is doing well. He's at his GranGran's house for the Christmas break, so he's having a blast. B is doing well too. She kept having ear infection after ear infection, so we did the tube thing on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. She has been fine. At her follow up appointment two weeks later, the right tube came out. So, we left it for the time being, and went to another follow up on Dec. 23, when the Dr. said that he would have to put the tube back in. So, we'll be scheduling that for sometime within the next two weeks. She has been fine though. I can't believe that she'll be a year old in less than 3 weeks! I forgot how quickly that first year goes by. Time flies anyway (I can still remember D as a baby/toddler), but it really zooms in that first year. There is just so much that happens. They sit up, get teeth, crawl, babble, walk... It's just so amazing. B has been taking her sweet time to do everything though. I think she's a little behind D in when she has achieved the different milestones, but she's perfectly healthy and growing cognitively right on schedule. I am so blessed.
I'm going to throw a quick prayer request out there as well. I am having some issues (none are desperately life-threatening or anything) but I can't really post them in the public (b/c we all know that everyone can read your facebook posts!). I need help understanding some certain things and I need help getting through to some people. I really, really wish I could go into it so I might could get some insight, but I don't want to take the chance that someone reads it and gets the wrong impression. I have had that happen more times than I'd care to remember. I'm getting annoyed at some things and I wish that some people would think rationally.
Okay then, Christmas was so great. I wish my family would have been able to come down and spend it at our house, but Dad had to work, so plans were shifted. We did our traditional Christmas Eve dinner, and had hubby's family over, as well as our neighbors. We had a really good time, I think. I made potato and broccoli soup, cocktail sausages, grape salad, frozen fruit cups, chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate covered ritz cracker and peanut butter sandwiches, oreo balls, and chips with dip. Very yum-o!
I did have issues with Christmas lights this year. We got them on the house, which was great and normal. Every time we lit them though, the fuse kept blowing. So, we had to separate the strands and plug one half in the back plug and the other in the front plug. We put our colored lights out in the front this year so that people could see them. After we got all the lights up and on, I took pictures, of course. Not long after, one section of our colored trees went out, and I couldn't fix it. The fuse wasn't blown. All I can think of is that there was a short somewhere. Then, one little section of our icicle lights went out, and it was in a place I couldn't reach. And, on Christmas Eve, like last year, it rained so much and the wind blew so hard that I wasn't sure I would even be able to turn them on. Luckily, it worked out. If I had to pick a part of Christmas that I didn't like so much, it would be putting up and taking down lights.
Ah, I should definitely be in bed now, especially since I have to get up in the morning and go to work. I am going to attempt to put some pics on here. I haven't done it before, so we'll give it a shot. Enjoy and I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Let's go through some updates first though. I didn't realize it had been so long since I last posted anything. Time gets away from you before you realize it! I'm still working as a temp. My temp status is supposed to be up in February, and they'll determine whether or not to keep me on as a full time employee. I'm still comfortable working there, but I really feel that if I have to continue working, I would like to get back in the legal field. I'm just trying to take each day as it comes though. Hubby is still doing well in his area. He is actually in Ohio right now. He'll be there through January 8, come home for the weekend, then head back out to Ohio again. I think he has to head on a follow up to a site in Texas after that and then one more site in February and then he's supposed to be done for a while. D is doing well. He's at his GranGran's house for the Christmas break, so he's having a blast. B is doing well too. She kept having ear infection after ear infection, so we did the tube thing on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. She has been fine. At her follow up appointment two weeks later, the right tube came out. So, we left it for the time being, and went to another follow up on Dec. 23, when the Dr. said that he would have to put the tube back in. So, we'll be scheduling that for sometime within the next two weeks. She has been fine though. I can't believe that she'll be a year old in less than 3 weeks! I forgot how quickly that first year goes by. Time flies anyway (I can still remember D as a baby/toddler), but it really zooms in that first year. There is just so much that happens. They sit up, get teeth, crawl, babble, walk... It's just so amazing. B has been taking her sweet time to do everything though. I think she's a little behind D in when she has achieved the different milestones, but she's perfectly healthy and growing cognitively right on schedule. I am so blessed.
I'm going to throw a quick prayer request out there as well. I am having some issues (none are desperately life-threatening or anything) but I can't really post them in the public (b/c we all know that everyone can read your facebook posts!). I need help understanding some certain things and I need help getting through to some people. I really, really wish I could go into it so I might could get some insight, but I don't want to take the chance that someone reads it and gets the wrong impression. I have had that happen more times than I'd care to remember. I'm getting annoyed at some things and I wish that some people would think rationally.
Okay then, Christmas was so great. I wish my family would have been able to come down and spend it at our house, but Dad had to work, so plans were shifted. We did our traditional Christmas Eve dinner, and had hubby's family over, as well as our neighbors. We had a really good time, I think. I made potato and broccoli soup, cocktail sausages, grape salad, frozen fruit cups, chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate covered ritz cracker and peanut butter sandwiches, oreo balls, and chips with dip. Very yum-o!
I did have issues with Christmas lights this year. We got them on the house, which was great and normal. Every time we lit them though, the fuse kept blowing. So, we had to separate the strands and plug one half in the back plug and the other in the front plug. We put our colored lights out in the front this year so that people could see them. After we got all the lights up and on, I took pictures, of course. Not long after, one section of our colored trees went out, and I couldn't fix it. The fuse wasn't blown. All I can think of is that there was a short somewhere. Then, one little section of our icicle lights went out, and it was in a place I couldn't reach. And, on Christmas Eve, like last year, it rained so much and the wind blew so hard that I wasn't sure I would even be able to turn them on. Luckily, it worked out. If I had to pick a part of Christmas that I didn't like so much, it would be putting up and taking down lights.
Ah, I should definitely be in bed now, especially since I have to get up in the morning and go to work. I am going to attempt to put some pics on here. I haven't done it before, so we'll give it a shot. Enjoy and I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Sunday, October 25, 2009
So, I am not in favor of this "single-parent" thing right now. It is hard to have hubby gone so much. I really hope that a non-travel position is in his future. Being gone for 9 out of 12 weeks is not a good thing. I hate that he misses so much time with the kids, but if I can be selfish for a minute, I hate that he's not here to spend time with me and help me with things. I really wish my job wasn't so restrictive right now. B has to go back to the doctor on Thursday afternoon for a follow-up visit because she had 3 ear infections within a 6 week time period. Yes, I said 3. She had one when we went for her 9 month appt. Apparently, it had just happened too. She had not had a fever or anything until we got to the doctor. So, it is looking like we will have to go the tubes route for her. I have never experienced this before. D never had an ear infection. At least, not in his first 2-3 years of life. I really don't think he's ever had one. I never had them either. But, MIL told me that hubby had them starting when he was around 6 months old, and had them regularly. So, they had to get tubes for him. I didn't know that your facial structure affected the way your inner ear was shaped, so the doctor says that if B looks like hubby and he had to have tubes, then she will likely head the same direction. For this reason - I pray that any other kids we have look like me :) So, MIL will be taking B to this follow up visit - because, you know, I might lose my job if I have to leave work to take her. I am just really tired. I hardly have any time to do anything anymore - or the energy. I get up every morning at 5:30, leave the house at 7, don't get home until 6 and then have to feed two kids and get them in the bed by 8. I also have dishes and clothes and homework and mail and baths to throw in there. I am sorry for being so selfish and complaining about everything. I should focus on the blessings. It is really hard though. I am so happy that both hubby and I have jobs. I'm glad we have a house to live in and food to eat. Those are important things, especially in our economy today. I guess I just need some encouragement. Having to go through this is difficult, and it's made more so with all the traveling that hubby has to do lately. I need him to be here so much. He is with me emotionally, but like I said, it's just really hard. If I didn't have to work, it would be different. I probably wouldn't be as stressed out. Actually, I KNOW I wouldn't be as stressed out. Oh well, such is life. I'm kind of scattered right now, so forgive anything that doesn't make sense :)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Crashing down
I am at a loss right now. I don't know what to do or even think. Just when it seems like things are starting to work themselves out and I'm getting in the swing of things at work, something else just goes wrong. B had a fever all night long last night. It wasn't really high, but she still had one this morning. And, as we all know, a daycare won't take them when they have a fever. And another thing, wouldn't you know it, but hubby is out of town this week in Texas. Things like this always seem to happen when he's gone too. So, I had to stay home with her today. I don't have anyone who can come keep her at the drop of a hat. My aunt stays with my grandmother in Thomasville. If I had known she would be sick all night and likely have to stay home, I would have called her yesterday to see if she could come down and keep her. But, I didn't know that. I can't call my MIL on such short notice because she already has things going on. I literally have no one else that can take care of them if they start running fever and can't go to school/daycare. So this is my third absence from work. I had to miss 2 days a few weeks ago when I caught the flu. In my particular position, I have to work through a temp agency for 6 months. There is a high rate of turnover there. While you are in the temp status, you are not supposed to miss any work, but they are supposed to be understanding when it comes to being sick and/or taking care of sick children. I just got a call from one of my "higher-ups" and she told me that if I missed one more day of work they would have to let me go. I know I've missed work, but I am not skipping for enjoyment. I was sick a few weeks ago and now my daughter is sick and I have no one else that can keep her. So, needless to say, I am pretty darn stressed right now. I think she'll be better and will be able to go on to daycare tomorrow, but what about the next time she surprisingly gets sick? What about if I get sick again? What am I supposed to do here? And, if I'm lucky enough to keep all of us well until next month, what will happen when I need to leave early to take them to doctor and dentist appointments? I really need some prayer warriors here. I don't know what to do and I am afraid that something will come up again and I will lose my job.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Quick Prayer Request
I just wanted to get on here and give a quick prayer request. Hubby came home from work today and said that there were two openings at work and he put in for both of them. He is not getting his hopes up about either of them because he doesn't want to be disappointed. There is nothing wrong with his current position, and he would be fine staying there if he didn't get one of these.
The first position is an in-house rep, which has the same responsibilities as his current position, except for the traveling. He would not travel in this position, unless it was absolutely necessary, like an emergency or something. The stuff for which he is currently responsible when he is in-house is the same stuff he'd be doing if he got this position. The only difference is the traveling.
The second position is an assistant manager position. I didn't ask him to elaborate on it much, because I don't want to get any details unless he actually gets the job. We know it would be a pay increase, but there would be more and different types of responsibility.
I actually have no preference here. I would like for him to travel less, but the pay increase would be nice too. Neither position would equal a pay-cut, nor would would he get a pay-cut if he didn't get one of them. So, I am really just trusting God here. I will be fine whatever happens. I just want some extra help praying that it will turn out as God sees fit.
Thanks so much!
The first position is an in-house rep, which has the same responsibilities as his current position, except for the traveling. He would not travel in this position, unless it was absolutely necessary, like an emergency or something. The stuff for which he is currently responsible when he is in-house is the same stuff he'd be doing if he got this position. The only difference is the traveling.
The second position is an assistant manager position. I didn't ask him to elaborate on it much, because I don't want to get any details unless he actually gets the job. We know it would be a pay increase, but there would be more and different types of responsibility.
I actually have no preference here. I would like for him to travel less, but the pay increase would be nice too. Neither position would equal a pay-cut, nor would would he get a pay-cut if he didn't get one of them. So, I am really just trusting God here. I will be fine whatever happens. I just want some extra help praying that it will turn out as God sees fit.
Thanks so much!
Friday, July 24, 2009
God's love never changes, but other things do...
There are going to be some changes a' coming. Not just for me though. My younger brother will start his freshman year of college at Auburn in a few weeks. Talk about your culture shock! He is used to public schools and he has been up to Auburn before, but this will be entirely different. I am excited for him, but I'm also worried for him at the same time. I believe that he is a level-headed person and I know that he is intelligent and talented. I really pray that he keeps his mind on why he is there. I covet your prayers for him as he embarks on this new journey.
As for me, well there will be a few changes in my near future. D is getting ready to start school again. I can't believe that he will be in 2nd grade! He is growing up so quickly! My little B is already 6 1/2 months old. Her 1-year birthday is just around the corner!
The biggest change that is soon to come is a new job. I will be starting a new job on August 17. It isn't going to be the most perfect and wonderful job in the world, but it is a better paying job (if only by a little bit) and it is a full-time job. I will be working as an administrative assistant. I covet your prayers again, but this time for my peace of mind and willingness to do God's will.
I truly loved working in the legal field. I really wish that I had been blessed with a job where I felt like I was making a positive impact in my area and/or in someone's life. But the firm where I currently work (until August 17) ended up being a dead end. They want someone who can type letters and pleadings, do dictation work, file things in client files, open and close client files, contact clients and get information, set up depositions and mediations, file stuff with the court, and a whole list of other things. However, they only want to compensate that person with the pay rate of an entry-level receptionist/secretary. For someone who has a husband and two kids to take care of, and bills to pay, that just doesn't work. I prayed really hard about this and it has been determined that my place is no longer with this firm. I don't know if it is with the new company, but I know that God has led me there for a reason. I am trusting Him with this and I know He will not give me more than I can handle.
I ask this of my friends and family: that you keep all of us in your prayers as we navigate through this changing path. It will be difficult to go back to work full-time after being off and/or part-time for so long. I will miss the time I have been blessed to spend with my children, and they will be back in school and/or daycare. I also ask that you keep my younger brother in your thoughts and prayers as he starts this new stage in his life. He will be tested MANY times, but pray that he stays true to his heart and to his God.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
As for me, well there will be a few changes in my near future. D is getting ready to start school again. I can't believe that he will be in 2nd grade! He is growing up so quickly! My little B is already 6 1/2 months old. Her 1-year birthday is just around the corner!
The biggest change that is soon to come is a new job. I will be starting a new job on August 17. It isn't going to be the most perfect and wonderful job in the world, but it is a better paying job (if only by a little bit) and it is a full-time job. I will be working as an administrative assistant. I covet your prayers again, but this time for my peace of mind and willingness to do God's will.
I truly loved working in the legal field. I really wish that I had been blessed with a job where I felt like I was making a positive impact in my area and/or in someone's life. But the firm where I currently work (until August 17) ended up being a dead end. They want someone who can type letters and pleadings, do dictation work, file things in client files, open and close client files, contact clients and get information, set up depositions and mediations, file stuff with the court, and a whole list of other things. However, they only want to compensate that person with the pay rate of an entry-level receptionist/secretary. For someone who has a husband and two kids to take care of, and bills to pay, that just doesn't work. I prayed really hard about this and it has been determined that my place is no longer with this firm. I don't know if it is with the new company, but I know that God has led me there for a reason. I am trusting Him with this and I know He will not give me more than I can handle.
I ask this of my friends and family: that you keep all of us in your prayers as we navigate through this changing path. It will be difficult to go back to work full-time after being off and/or part-time for so long. I will miss the time I have been blessed to spend with my children, and they will be back in school and/or daycare. I also ask that you keep my younger brother in your thoughts and prayers as he starts this new stage in his life. He will be tested MANY times, but pray that he stays true to his heart and to his God.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Heading home
I am sitting here at my parents' house, about to start getting ready to leave and head back to Theodore. My parents just left with M&M (my younger brother and his GF), on their way up to Auburn. Matthew has Camp War Eagle until Friday, and they all went to start getting stuff settled in his new trailer. I can't believe that he is almost ready to start college. He just turned 18 yesterday. Time just flies by!
Hubby's grandmother passed away last week, while he was in California. The arrangements were Monday night and Tuesday morning. I had intended to meet him and attend the funeral, but my car was in the shop. I needed to have my car serviced and since I was up at my parents' house, it was easier to drop it off somewhere here. There is an extra car here, so I have one to drive around if I need to go somewhere. At our house, we only have the two cars, and it would take some major organization to get it taken care of. It was just easier to do here. We dropped it off early Monday morning and went by around 5:30 to see if it was done. It was not. I had to have new brake pads, a new power steering tube and fluid, and I needed the AC flushed out. I think they also did an oil change and fixed by blinker light that had been out. I had planned to leave Monday night, after getting the car back, and head to Pensacola. It didn't work out that way. I didn't get my car back until Tuesday afternoon, so I wasn't able to attend the funeral. And, since I wasn't able to get to the funeral, I just decided to stay on up here at my parents' house until today, which I had originally planned to do anyway. So, I got to see my brother for a teensy bit on his birthday.
Anywho, I need to head off and start packing up. I want to get home before hubby gets off work. I have a few groceries I need to buy, and I'd like to get my pictures from this weekend uploaded on my computer.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
His love never changes
So, this is my first post on the blogger. I have done some blogging with my myspace account, but I decided to give this a shot. I figured, "what better way to start than with the inspiration for my blog title?"
All the world is longing to know security
All the world is listening, trying to hear words they can believe
But there is only one voice calling us by name
One truth we can hold onto
Forever, He remains the same
Oh, I want you to know that
God's love never changes
His love never fails
When the world is shaken
We can put our faith in knowing that His love will never change
Never separated, never far away
God alone is faithful
Proving His love with the price He paid
Oh, I want you to see
God's love never changes
His love never fails
When the world is shaken
We can put our faith in knowing that His love will never change
All the world is longing to know security
All the world is listening, trying to hear words they can believe
But there is only one voice calling us by name
One truth we can hold onto
Forever, He remains the same
Oh, I want you to know that
God's love never changes
His love never fails
When the world is shaken
We can put our faith in knowing that His love will never change
Never separated, never far away
God alone is faithful
Proving His love with the price He paid
Oh, I want you to see
God's love never changes
His love never fails
When the world is shaken
We can put our faith in knowing that His love will never change
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