Jack and I have a great relationship. Sure, we have our spats, but we've always had a great communication relationship and that helps out a lot when we are a bit miffed at each other. We recently watched the Fireproof movie again and it got me thinking, "what if we did the love dare?" In the movie, they were doing the love dare because the marriage was almost completely dissolved. There was almost no hope left for reconciliation between them. The Love Dare was supposed to help them rebuild what had been broken and start anew. Jack and I definitely don't have anything remotely similar going on in our marriage. But, I can't help but wonder if doing The Love Dare would strengthen what we already have. It surely couldn't hurt. So, I went off in search of The Love Dare. At Wal*Mart, they have a 365 day devotional for couples in love dare fashion, but that wasn't what I wanted. I looked at Target and found exactly what I was looking for:

I have a prayer request that has nothing to do with all of this though. I have had some dental problems in the recent past. Before working at my current job, I just didn't have the funds to pay for the kind of stuff that needs to be done. At least, not at one time. Now working a full time job, the money isn't as big of an issue, but the time off is. I am still a temp for the next month, so I have no time off and I can't afford to miss any more work. I am in danger of losing my job if I have to be out again before my temp status is up. I need prayers here. I really have to have some of this work done before this month is over, and I just don't know how to do it. And really, I have spent more of my time in the last few years focusing on D's health and now B's health. I tend to think they are more important. Maybe that's just the mom talking, but whatever. You know how we do :)